Like a tree, each of these groups is integral to the health and wellbeing of the town and helps it flourish.

The Branches

  • Plumbers, electricians, carpenters, nurses
  • City employees and teachers
  • Professional workforce
  • Mostly college- or trade-school educated
  • Positions with good salaries and benefits
  • Involved in family life and community
  • Would like to own a home here but can’t afford it
  • Mostly commuting

$40 to $58 per hour ($83,200 to $120,640 annual household income)

The Trunk

  • Skilled workforce
  • Retail clerks, office and winery workers
  • Bank clerks, hospitality industry workers
  • High school education, some college
    and/or trade school
  • Young and old, singles and married, seniors—
    great diversity
  • Many commuting from long distances so they can
    own a home
  • Others living in rentals in town

$21 to $39 per hour  ($43,680 to $81,120 annual
household income)

The Roots

  • Unskilled workforce
  • Laborers, dishwashers, prep cooks and housekeepers
  • Landscape and hospitality workers some vineyard workers
  • Often lower education level; untrained or semiskilled labor
  • Young, socially isolated singles and laborers with families 
  • Living in rentals in town, with family or commuting
    long distances

$14 to $20 per hour ($29,000 to $41,600 annual household income)